Daily Playwriting
Day one
September 16
Point of view is essential to every play, it is what determines the theme, outcome, climax and most importantly our central characters---protagonist and antagonist.
For example
Sleeping Beauty vs Malificent.
Sleeping Beauty uses Aurora as the central character and therefore Malificent is a horrible witch out to get her.
Malificent uses Malificent as the central character and through this we learn how she has been wronged and this gives us a complete different view of the events.
Other examples
Three Little Pigs ---little pigs are the central Characters
True story of the three little pigs---wolf is the central Character
Wizard of Oz---Dorothy is the central Character
Wicked--Elphaba (wicked witch) is the Central Character
chose well known chracters from movies, books, fairy tales, myths, etc.
Write monologues (1 character) or scenes ( 2 or more) from their point of view. How do they feel? What is their story?
1 Point of view
2 Point of View
3 Point of View
Day 2
September 17
Inanimate Objects
In class we did these using items from your Backpack. You should be familiar with giving human characteristics to objects from such movies like Beauty and the Beast, Cars and Wall E. Now it is your turn! Look around you...what would your environment say if they could talk. Think of the things you use daily---how do they feel. What about the bathroom, dentist office, kitchen? Even more specific what about items in your fridge or freezer?
(You should already have written a scene and monologue in class. Use them here. )
4 Inanimate Objects Monologue
5 Inanimate Objects Monologue
6 Inanimate Objects Scene
7 Inanimate Object Scene
Day 3
September 21
Mistaken Identity
Crazy things can happen when characters are acting unlike their true self or when they are mistaken for another character. With a partner write three new plays today.
8 Mistaken Identity Scene with 2 characters
9 Mistaken Identity Scene with 3 characters
10 Mistaken Identity Scene with 4 or more characters
Day 4
Action plays
Day 5
September 23
15 Action
16 Narration
17 Scene
Day 6
September 24
3 SuperHero plays of your choice.
Please try to invent at least one superhero of your own.
Think how superheros would meet? where would they be? What would they talk about? What event would they attend together?
18 Superhero
19 Superhero
20 Superhero
Day 7
September 25
Catch up day.
Use today to catch up on your 20 plays.
Day 8
September 28
21 Dramatic Play of your choice
22 Dramatic Play of your choice
23 Dramatic Play of your choice
Day 9
September 29
Submit 23 plays to Mrs Day.
[email protected]
Subject Line": Your Name 23 Plays
12 point font times new roman.
All plays clearly labeled and in one document
Day 10
September 10
Submit 8 favorite plays
Proof read and peer review 4 plays and have yours read by four people before sending it to Mrs. Day.
[email protected]
Subject Line: Your name 8 plays
September 16
Point of view is essential to every play, it is what determines the theme, outcome, climax and most importantly our central characters---protagonist and antagonist.
For example
Sleeping Beauty vs Malificent.
Sleeping Beauty uses Aurora as the central character and therefore Malificent is a horrible witch out to get her.
Malificent uses Malificent as the central character and through this we learn how she has been wronged and this gives us a complete different view of the events.
Other examples
Three Little Pigs ---little pigs are the central Characters
True story of the three little pigs---wolf is the central Character
Wizard of Oz---Dorothy is the central Character
Wicked--Elphaba (wicked witch) is the Central Character
chose well known chracters from movies, books, fairy tales, myths, etc.
Write monologues (1 character) or scenes ( 2 or more) from their point of view. How do they feel? What is their story?
1 Point of view
2 Point of View
3 Point of View
Day 2
September 17
Inanimate Objects
In class we did these using items from your Backpack. You should be familiar with giving human characteristics to objects from such movies like Beauty and the Beast, Cars and Wall E. Now it is your turn! Look around you...what would your environment say if they could talk. Think of the things you use daily---how do they feel. What about the bathroom, dentist office, kitchen? Even more specific what about items in your fridge or freezer?
(You should already have written a scene and monologue in class. Use them here. )
4 Inanimate Objects Monologue
5 Inanimate Objects Monologue
6 Inanimate Objects Scene
7 Inanimate Object Scene
Day 3
September 21
Mistaken Identity
Crazy things can happen when characters are acting unlike their true self or when they are mistaken for another character. With a partner write three new plays today.
8 Mistaken Identity Scene with 2 characters
9 Mistaken Identity Scene with 3 characters
10 Mistaken Identity Scene with 4 or more characters
Day 4
Action plays
Day 5
September 23
15 Action
16 Narration
17 Scene
Day 6
September 24
3 SuperHero plays of your choice.
Please try to invent at least one superhero of your own.
Think how superheros would meet? where would they be? What would they talk about? What event would they attend together?
18 Superhero
19 Superhero
20 Superhero
Day 7
September 25
Catch up day.
Use today to catch up on your 20 plays.
Day 8
September 28
21 Dramatic Play of your choice
22 Dramatic Play of your choice
23 Dramatic Play of your choice
Day 9
September 29
Submit 23 plays to Mrs Day.
[email protected]
Subject Line": Your Name 23 Plays
12 point font times new roman.
All plays clearly labeled and in one document
Day 10
September 10
Submit 8 favorite plays
Proof read and peer review 4 plays and have yours read by four people before sending it to Mrs. Day.
[email protected]
Subject Line: Your name 8 plays