a place to reflect, refresh, discover and plan
POST #1 Begin with the End in Mind-Your Path
Due Wednesday December 14 Please work through workbook pages 64-66 (you will Read book pages 76-78 while working through the workbook assignment. Post at least 4 pics of you and your friends. Answer the following question What qualities do your friends have? How do they help you? How do you help them? What do you have in common? What makes you different? What are some of their best traits that you hope "rub off" on you? |
POST #3 Begin With The End in Mind---What about School??
Due Wednesday December 21 Please work through workbook pages 68-71 (you will Read book pages 79 while working through the workbook assignment.) Post a pic with you and the person you interviewed :) And answer the following Who did you interview and why? What answers surprised you? What is the best advice they gave you? What is your current educational goal?--What post High School training does it require? |
POST #5 Due January 4 Begin with the end in mind...who's in the lead?
Please work through workbook pages 71- 82 (you will Read book pages 80, 83-84, 90-92. While working through the workbook assignment.) In a post share several of your discoveries about your values, talents, etc. Were there any surprises??? Share your first mission statement first draft. |
POST #6 Due Friday January 20
Begin with the end in mind...Go for the GOAL? Please work through workbook pages 82-86(you will Read book pages 84-98, 101-102. While working through the workbook assignment.) In a post share several of your discoveries. What things do you need to give up/change to achieve your goals? Who can help you with your goal? Inspirational/famous person you wish could help you? List 3 weaknesses and your plans to make them strengths. |
POST #7 Due FRIDAY January 27
Begin with the end in mind...MAKE YOUR LIFE EXTRAORDINARY? Please work through workbook pages 86-89(you will Read book pages 102-103 -- While working through the workbook assignment.) In a post share several of your discoveries. What is the legacy you want to leave? What key crossroad are you facing? What path to take? What can you do to make the last half of this year with Productions Company Extraordinary? |
POST #7 Reflection Due Tuesday November 22 by the end of class
Now that the show has finished lets take a moment to reflect. What was the most rewarding part of the journey? What did you personally do to contribute to the success of the production? Who in this class helped you the most? Whose (Company Member) performance surprised you the most and what made it so good? Share a moment or experience with your cast member/members you tried to mentor. Post at least 3 pics of you onstage or backstage--share a bit about the moments. |
POST #6 SYNERGY Due Friday before performance time.
Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn't just happen on its own. It's a process. Give an example of where Synergy is working in our production. It can be backstage or onstage, Pre-show, during the show, or post show. Set a synergy goal for the remaining performances. Why is the the goal you chose...what makes it important? How can you accomplish this. |
Opening Night --is the main goal of any production....or the "end" if you will. One of the things you can do at rehearsals to make the goal having a fabulous production a reality is to truely become your character. This means during rehearsals you must completely take on your character. What can you do this week to make each character (and for some of you that is a lot of different ones) the best they can be? Another thing you can do is keep it Positive....or POSITUVE :) What can you do to improve the atmosphere at rehearsal? And keep our show growing. Last we are only as strong as our weakest link. Choose one ensemble member to mentor and make this the best show ever for. Helping them--will help you in return. Be the Cast member that people want to become. Who is will it be? What can you do? |
POST #4 DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26 before school
HABIT 3 Put First Things First
The next three weeks are the final push for the musical, not to mention we are in the last four weeks of the trimester. You need to make every spare moment count. Planning can help a lot . Please work through workbook pages 92 -99 (you will Read book pages 106-112 while working through the workbook assignment.
Now lets reflect.....Do you live in quadrant one--Procastinator or quadrant two--Prioritizer? Are you somewhere in the middle? What things can you do to make the hours at rehearsal productive? What can you do to make BEE Time productive? What big projects are coming up? What can you do daily to work on them?
How can you make the most of your Time? Lets set 6 goals for this week.... 2 Academic, 2 Personal (you don't have to share if you don't want to----just make sure you write them somewhere) 2 Performance.
HABIT 3 Put First Things First
The next three weeks are the final push for the musical, not to mention we are in the last four weeks of the trimester. You need to make every spare moment count. Planning can help a lot . Please work through workbook pages 92 -99 (you will Read book pages 106-112 while working through the workbook assignment.
Now lets reflect.....Do you live in quadrant one--Procastinator or quadrant two--Prioritizer? Are you somewhere in the middle? What things can you do to make the hours at rehearsal productive? What can you do to make BEE Time productive? What big projects are coming up? What can you do daily to work on them?
How can you make the most of your Time? Lets set 6 goals for this week.... 2 Academic, 2 Personal (you don't have to share if you don't want to----just make sure you write them somewhere) 2 Performance.
Make a new tab.... Monsters
Post a picture of your character in full costume/hair/makeup
Answer these questions....in first person as your character.
What kind of monster are you? Name? Age? Occupation? Location? Living? Dead? Hobbies? Dreams? Friends? Enemies?
Why did you enter this contest/participate in this contest?
Why do you think your group should win?
Who is your biggest competition.
Make a new tab.... Monsters
Post a picture of your character in full costume/hair/makeup
Answer these questions....in first person as your character.
What kind of monster are you? Name? Age? Occupation? Location? Living? Dead? Hobbies? Dreams? Friends? Enemies?
Why did you enter this contest/participate in this contest?
Why do you think your group should win?
Who is your biggest competition.
ost #2 DUE FRIDAY September 29 6pm
Habit one Be Proactive--You are in charge of You
Create a new tab called 7 Habits with a drop down for each of the seven habits, be proactive, first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, synergize, sharpen the saw.
Midterms and shows are around the corner and certainly things in life are beginning to pile up.
Read---Just Push Pause section page 65-68 in the 7 Habits book. And fill out the corresponding section in your workbook--Pages 53-55.
In a post please discuss how habit one: Be Proactive can help you right now.
Determine an attitude or action shift you can make to be more proactive in the following categories . Discuss how the shift will affect each category
Family and home
Monsters have Talent too
Little Mermaid (Cross Country for Kevin)
Me time
Habit one Be Proactive--You are in charge of You
Create a new tab called 7 Habits with a drop down for each of the seven habits, be proactive, first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, synergize, sharpen the saw.
Midterms and shows are around the corner and certainly things in life are beginning to pile up.
Read---Just Push Pause section page 65-68 in the 7 Habits book. And fill out the corresponding section in your workbook--Pages 53-55.
In a post please discuss how habit one: Be Proactive can help you right now.
Determine an attitude or action shift you can make to be more proactive in the following categories . Discuss how the shift will affect each category
Family and home
Monsters have Talent too
Little Mermaid (Cross Country for Kevin)
Me time
This will be your first post and will serve as your personal home page.
DUE Friday September 2 6PM All of these will be on your homepage. DO NOT CREATE a page for each one. THINGS TO INCLUDE: Personal story of who you are 2 – 3 paragraphs List of things you love to do 5 places you want to go 5 people you want to meet 5 things you want to do someday 5 top movies or tv shows or books At least one picture of you You goal from retreat---Why you chose it and 3 Proactive ways you can accomplish it. ADDITIONAL ITEMS YOU CAN ADD: Favorite quote More Pictures Video—must be uploaded from You-tube Music |