Only after a month of waiting. This is the Real McCoy! Hee hee----even before 6:00 pm. So those of you who are looking early---let the mad texting and hash-tagging begin.
Thanks to all who auditioned, sorry I was unable to use all of you.
Congrats to all of you who made the cast. We are going to have a SWELL time. (20's lingo for you). Get prepared to WORK HARD AND HAVE FUN.
We will have a cast meeting on Monday after school to hand out a rehearsal schedule so you can get off work.
We will be having a mandatory parent and cast meeting January 14 at 5:00.
Citizens of Venice
Shylock- Caderik Wilson
Antonio – Matt Payne
Bassanio- Jackson Powell
Gratiano- Nathan Scott
Lorenzo- Logan Sleight
Jessica- Kate Olson
Tubal—Bruce Baird
Duke of Venice -Andrew Johnson
Clerk--Harrison Madsen
Giovanni--Scott Frischknecht
Francesca- Emily McCullam
Fabricio--Nathan Reeder
Rosario- Alie Stone
Bruno- Colton Lewis
Gianda- Kelsee Ivie
Vicentio- Taylor Johnson
Nicolina- Katelynn Perkins
Lancelot Gobbo-Jacob Gee
Old Gobbo- Callie WIlde
Belmont Estate
Portia- Katrina Wood
Nerissa- Ashley Pyle
Carmela, Housekeeper- Nicole Kearl
Miss Bianca, secretary-Tallis Norman
Maids-Emma Dawson, Sadie Hyde and McKenna Smith
Butlers- Jesse Boyce, Koby Glass, and Levi Lambright
The prince of Morocco-Landon Ross
The prince of Arragon- Rylan Merkley
Court of the Prince of Morocco, Court of Prince of Arragon, and Citizens of Venice
Conner Bennion
Jayden Blanche
Macenzi Bossa’
Mariah Brotherson
Austin Daugherty
Scott Dinsdale
Lindsey Gunderson
McKell Halladay
Hallie Jenks
Andrew Johnson
Cassidy Lott
Natalie Lyons
Harrison Madsen
Dallin Richards
Emily Robb
Jed Smith
Makayla Thornley
Nick Walker
Hannah Wood
Couples---for you who want to know who is with who.
Bassanio & Portia
Gratiano & Nerissa
Lorenzo & Jessica
Giovanni & Francesca
Fabricio & Rosario
Bruno & Giada
Vicentio & Nicolina
Only after a month of waiting. This is the Real McCoy! Hee hee----even before 6:00 pm. So those of you who are looking early---let the mad texting and hash-tagging begin.
Thanks to all who auditioned, sorry I was unable to use all of you.
Congrats to all of you who made the cast. We are going to have a SWELL time. (20's lingo for you). Get prepared to WORK HARD AND HAVE FUN.
We will have a cast meeting on Monday after school to hand out a rehearsal schedule so you can get off work.
We will be having a mandatory parent and cast meeting January 14 at 5:00.
Citizens of Venice
Shylock- Caderik Wilson
Antonio – Matt Payne
Bassanio- Jackson Powell
Gratiano- Nathan Scott
Lorenzo- Logan Sleight
Jessica- Kate Olson
Tubal—Bruce Baird
Duke of Venice -Andrew Johnson
Clerk--Harrison Madsen
Giovanni--Scott Frischknecht
Francesca- Emily McCullam
Fabricio--Nathan Reeder
Rosario- Alie Stone
Bruno- Colton Lewis
Gianda- Kelsee Ivie
Vicentio- Taylor Johnson
Nicolina- Katelynn Perkins
Lancelot Gobbo-Jacob Gee
Old Gobbo- Callie WIlde
Belmont Estate
Portia- Katrina Wood
Nerissa- Ashley Pyle
Carmela, Housekeeper- Nicole Kearl
Miss Bianca, secretary-Tallis Norman
Maids-Emma Dawson, Sadie Hyde and McKenna Smith
Butlers- Jesse Boyce, Koby Glass, and Levi Lambright
The prince of Morocco-Landon Ross
The prince of Arragon- Rylan Merkley
Court of the Prince of Morocco, Court of Prince of Arragon, and Citizens of Venice
Conner Bennion
Jayden Blanche
Macenzi Bossa’
Mariah Brotherson
Austin Daugherty
Scott Dinsdale
Lindsey Gunderson
McKell Halladay
Hallie Jenks
Andrew Johnson
Cassidy Lott
Natalie Lyons
Harrison Madsen
Dallin Richards
Emily Robb
Jed Smith
Makayla Thornley
Nick Walker
Hannah Wood
Couples---for you who want to know who is with who.
Bassanio & Portia
Gratiano & Nerissa
Lorenzo & Jessica
Giovanni & Francesca
Fabricio & Rosario
Bruno & Giada
Vicentio & Nicolina